What is TensorFlow?

  • Open-source library for graph-based numerical computation
  • Developed by the Google Brain Team
  • Low and high level APIs
  • Addition, multiplication, differentiation
  • Machine learning & deep learning models

What is a tensor?

  • Generalization of vectors and matrices
  • Collection of numbers
  • Specific shape

Overview of Concepts

TensorFlow gets its name from tensors, which are arrays of arbitrary dimensionality. Using TensorFlow, you can manipulate tensors with a very high number of dimensions. That said, most of the time you will work with one or more of the following low-dimensional tensors:

  • A scalar is a 0-d array (a 0th-order tensor). For example, "Manikant" or 5
  • A vector is a 1-d array (a 1st-order tensor). For example, [2, 3, 5, 7, 11] or [5]
  • A matrix is a 2-d array (a 2nd-order tensor). For example, [[3.1, 8.2, 5.9][4.3, -2.7, 6.5]]

Scaler with dim 0 vector with dim 1 Matrix with dim 2

Defining tensors in TensorFlow

import tensorflow as tf

# 0D Tensor
d0 = tf.ones((1,))
# 1D Tensor
d1 = tf.ones((2,))
# 2D Tensor
d2 = tf.ones((2, 2))
# 3D Tensor
d3 = tf.ones((2, 2, 2))

Defining constants in TensorFlow

A constant is the simplest category of tensor

  • Not trainable
  • Can have any dimension
from tensorflow import constant
# Define a 2x3 constant.
a = constant(3, shape=[2, 3])
# Define a 2x2 constant.
b = constant([1, 2, 3, 4], shape=[2, 2])

Defining and initializing variables

# Define a variable
a0 = tf.Variable([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], dtype=tf.float32)
a1 = tf.Variable([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], dtype=tf.int16)

Applying the addition operator

 from tensorflow import constant, add
 # Define 0-dimensional tensors
A0 = constant([1])
B0 = constant([2])
# Define 1-dimensional tensors
A1 = constant([1, 2])
B1 = constant([3, 4])
# Define 2-dimensional tensors
A2 = constant([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
B2 = constant([[5, 6], [7, 8]])

# Applying the addition operator
# Perform tensor addition with add()
C0 = add(A0, B0)
C1 = add(A1, B1)
C2 = add(A2, B2)

How to perform multiplication in TensorFlow

  • Element-wise multiplication performed using multiply() operation
  • The tensors multiplied must have the same shape
  • E.g. [1,2,3] and [3,4,5] or [1,2] and [3,4]
  • Matrix multiplication performed with matmul() operator
  • The matmul(A,B) operation multiplies A by B
  • Number of columns of A must equal the number of rows of B
# Import operators from tensorflow
from tensorflow import ones, matmul, multiply
# Define tensors
A0 = ones(1)
A31 = ones([3, 1])
A34 = ones([3, 4])
A43 = ones([4, 3])

# What types of operations are valid?
# multiply(A0, A0) , multiply(A31, A31) , and multiply(A34, A34)
# matmul(A43, A34 ), but not matmul(A43, A43)

Overview of advanced operations

Operations Use
gradient() Computes the slope of a function at a point
reshape() Reshapes a tensor (e.g. 10x10 to100x1)
random() Populates tensor with entries drawn from a probability distribution

Finding the optimum

  • In many problems, we will want to find the optimum of a function.
    • Minimum: Lowest value of a loss function.

    • Maximum: Highest value of objective function.

  • We can do this using the gradient() operation.
    • Optimum: Find a point where gradient = 0.

    • Minimum: Change in gradient > 0

    • Maximum: Change in gradient < 0

# Import tensorflow under the alias tf
import tensorflow as tf
# Define x
x = tf.Variable(-1.0)
# Define y within instance of GradientTape
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
  y = tf.multiply(x, x)
# Evaluate the gradient of y at x = -1
g = tape.gradient(y, x)

How to reshape a grayscale image

# Import tensorflow as alias tf
import tensorflow as tf
# Generate grayscale image
gray = tf.random.uniform([2, 2], maxval=255, dtype='int32')
# Reshape grayscale image
gray = tf.reshape(gray, [2*2, 1])

How to reshape a color image

# Import tensorflow as alias tf
import tensorflow as tf
# Generate color image
color = tf.random.uniform([2, 2, 3], maxval=255, dtype='int32')
# Reshape color image
color = tf.reshape(color, [2*2, 3])

Introduction to loss functions

  • Fundamental tensorflow operation
    • Used to train a model

    • Measure of model fit

  • Higher value -> worse fit
    • Minimize the loss function

Common loss functions in TensorFlow

  • TensorFlow has operations for common loss functions
    • Mean squared error (MSE)

    • Mean absolute error (MAE)

    • Huber error

  • Loss functions are accessible from tf.keras.losses()
    • tf.keras.losses.mse()

    • tf.keras.losses.mae()

    • tf.keras.losses.Huber()

Why do we care about loss functions?

  • MSE
    • Strongly penalizes outliers
    • High (gradient) sensitivity near minimum
  • MAE
    • Scales linearly with size of error
    • Low sensitivity near minimum
  • Huber
    • Similar to MSE near minimum
    • Similar to MAE away from minimum
# Import TensorFlow under standard alias
import tensorflow as tf
# Compute the MSE loss
loss = tf.keras.losses.mse(targets, predictions)


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